Classic Notes

Classic Car Show Photography. A place for car enthusiast to get information and photos of the California car culture, with the focus on the Ford Falcon and Ford Ranchero. Catch a car show and enjoy the ride!

Huntington BeachCruisers Car Show March 21, 2015

The perfect way to kick off the car scene for the summer.

Huntington Beachcruisers Car Show 2015

This car show has the Pacific Ocean as a backdrop, so there is plenty of things to enjoy about the shows location. The reaction to The Ranchero and the Blue Q, is entertaining and always a conversation starter. Everyone likes the idea of a trailer that can light a fire. This year the Ranchero was the best and only Ranchero at the show. Too bad, would enjoy a few more '65's at this beach car show scene. Maybe we will see a few next year. The Woodies were in abundance, mainly because it is their show and club; the rides, amazing, not sure how they pick best of show.  A few Ford Vans with vintage trailers in tow, some great non-Woodie station wagons and perfect mid 50's Chevys along with the hot rods and roadsters rounded out the show. The swap meet showcases vintage finds from surfboards, skateboards, Hawaiian shirts and furniture.  Overall, this car show is worth the drive, it offers a great crowd, great food and some remarkable vintage classic cars that define the beach car culture. Still showing off the rides tomorrow March 22, 2015. Catch it if you can.

Look for photos of the show next week. Last years show here.