Classic Notes

Classic Car Show Photography. A place for car enthusiast to get information and photos of the California car culture, with the focus on the Ford Falcon and Ford Ranchero. Catch a car show and enjoy the ride!

Morro Bay Woodies

Morro Bay shows off some wood.

On the way to catch the Freedom whale watching boat in hopes of getting a glimpse of the humpbacks whales feasting and frolicking of the coast of Morro Bay, the Woodies were pulling into the parking lot for their car show. We didn’t have enough time to capture the show, but we took a few clips before heading off on an adventure. Check out The Morro Bay Woodies Car Show showcased in the Gallery

The Rock and the Whale Tail


Morro Bay is a great little seaside town filled with many surprises.

Sea Otters in the harbor on a Sunday Morning.

CoffeyMorroBay Woodies