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Grand National Roadster Show 2020 Breakdown

If your going to the GNRS check out our building breakdown on what’s happening at the show.

The GNRS is this weekend.
Friday’s opening was, well grand. If you are planning to attending the show, here is the overall roadmap of what’s happening and where to find it.  

1967 Ford Econoline Falcon Club Wagon Lowrider Van

Building 4: This is the main building for the AMBR Contenders. Check out the roadsters competing for the coveted award “Americas Most Beautiful Roaster”. Also, in building 4, find the “Kookie Kar” along with the Pinstriper’s Gathering.  The final day Sunday at 4 PM is the official ceremony for the AMBR winners

Building 5: Find the historic custom builds from the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s

Building 6: Showcasing, hot rods, trucks and custom rides

Building 7: Check out some of the best street rides and muscle cars.

Building 8: Find hot rods, muscle cars, motorcycles, and lowriders.

Building 9: Dragsters, funny cars, mods, gassers.

Building 10: The Suede Palace is for the kustom rides, roadsters, and the rockabilly culture.

Saturday, the 15th Annual Grand Daddy Drive-in completes the show. Catch some award winning rides along with 700 other classic cars added for Saturday and Sunday events.

Going through photos from the show, look for them next week.
For more information on the show, check out or event calendar.

It’s a beautiful day to catch the rides at the Fairplex.