Classic Notes

Classic Car Show Photography. A place for car enthusiast to get information and photos of the California car culture, with the focus on the Ford Falcon and Ford Ranchero. Catch a car show and enjoy the ride!

Cars and things at the Pomona Swap Meet June 2019

The swap meet side of things

The Pomona Swap Meet has two sides, the rides, and the swap meet. Divided by the entrance drive-in the swap meet side showcases automotive parts, automotive memorabilia, cleaning materials and other paraphernalia found at swap meets. At the show, you can find the same vendors on the same row in the same space, but the beauty of the show is that you never know what you are going to find from both sides of this car show — looking for a great classic show? Join us Sunday, June 9, 2019, at Johnny Carson Park, it's going to be fun, and the rides are usually off the chart.

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