Classic Notes

Classic Car Show Photography. A place for car enthusiast to get information and photos of the California car culture, with the focus on the Ford Falcon and Ford Ranchero. Catch a car show and enjoy the ride!

The life of a Ford has many stages

The Car Show vs The Car Show Swap Meet

Car shows have a lot of different venues. There’s the classic community street venue, the in the park on the lawn car show, the big name car shows and then there are the swap meet car shows. Car shows can be exclusive from models to year dates but the one thing most car shows have in common are the classics themselves. Some are pure perfection some are daily drivers but most of them align to the theme of what the car show is all about.  Swap meet cars shows have a different theme altogether, some are exclusive to year dates but most have a different take on what shows up and this is why we love The Pomona Swap Meet. Take the Ranchero and the Falcon; on any given Sunday when they run the show, we may come across a few Rancheros or Falcons in all states of perfection, waiting for a new home by car or by parts. The Pomona Swap Meet allows for the opportunity to see the life of a car from the good the bad and the trailered.  So get out on a Sunday morning and catch a car show, the enjoyment is in the ride.

All photos on the site take you somewhere so click the pic and enjoy the rides.